
    The Big Fat Fantasy Quiz

    The Big Fat Fantasy Quiz

    🎫 Ticket for 1 device/team

    🌟 Take part and you might win a prize!

    General Info
    πŸ“… Date: Saturday 16th May 2020
    πŸ•’ Time: 7pm-9pm
    πŸ“ Location: your home!
    πŸ‘‰ A percentage of proceeds will be donated to coronavirus causes
    ❓ Please note: you need one ticket per device! If you wish to be on a team with someone in a different household, or if members of your team wish to answer on their own device, please purchase an additional ticket(s). This is an independent quiz not related to Warner Brothers or any other studio
    πŸ“± You will be sent an email with the link to the Zoom meeting 24-48 hours before the event

    Wizards, Witches and Werewolves behold: a fun, mystical & mythical online trivia competition is coming to your screen! Don your robes, gowns, and wizard hats, and gather all your general knowledge as you battle it out for the coveted virtual trophy and redeemable prizes. This trivia series is designed for all lovers of fantasy and sci-fi, spanning across several genres with a broad focus on popular fantasy over the last few decades. Unsheathe your sword, wand or light saber, and may the best one win!

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