
Dining in the Dark: Christmas Special!

Dining in the Dark: Christmas Special!

🎫 Waitlist for Dining in the Dark: Christmas Special, a festive culinary experience while blindfolded
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🚨 Tickets go on sale December 1 🚨

General Info
📅 Date: December
📌 Location: a darkened restaurant in the centre of the city
🍽️ Dietary requirements: allergies and dietary requirements can be catered for

Surprise your senses and test out your taste buds. Just choose your favourite colour, and we'll take care of the rest...
🎄 Green (Vegan)
❄️ Blue (Seafood)
🎅 Red (Meat)

Looking for a truly unique experience this festive season? Eminent psychologists have been advocating dining in the dark as the ultimate taste experience for many years. Studies show that 80% of people eat with their eyes; with that sense eliminated, the theory is that the other senses—namely taste and smell—take over to elevate your meal to a whole new level. After donning your blindfold in the darkened, candlelit room, you'll soon realize that focusing on taste and smell alone can be a truly enlightening experience—provided you're not afraid of the dark!

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