Esclusivo Fever

    Charity Masterclass "Goblets Of Life - Women Of Wine For Women" By Associazione Nazionale Donne del Vino - Milano Wine Week 2023

    Esclusivo Fever
    Charity Masterclass "Goblets Of Life - Women Of Wine For Women" By Associazione Nazionale Donne del Vino - Milano Wine Week 2023

    Welcome to the sixth edition of Milan Wine Week! Nine days of pure wine magic await with special events throughout the city. An unmissable experience to explore the best of Italian wine among master classes, tastings and workshops. Discover wine as you've never experienced it, from downtown landmarks to official locations.

    Tickets "Goblets Of Life - Women Of Wine For Women" By National Women's Wine Association
    🎫 Ticket for 1 person

    🍷 A journey through four territories and eight glasses of bubbles to remember Women of Wine Marisa Leo and Donatella Briosi, victims of feminicide
    🇮🇹 All proceeds from the masterclass will be donated to the Palma Vitae Association of Partanna in support of women victims of violence
    🌆 An exclusive event of Milan Wine Week

    General Information
    ⚠️ This experience takes place in Italian
    📅 Date: october 11
    🕒 Timetable: 20.30
    📍 Location: Palazzo Bovara (Corso Venezia, 51, 20121 Milan MI)
    ⌛ Duration: 75 min approx
    👤 Age requirement: 18+
    ♿ Accessibility: this venue is wheelchair accessible
    ❓ For more information about the experience check out the FAQs here

    A journey through four territories and eight glasses of bubbles to remember Donne del Vino Marisa Leo and Donatella Briosi, victims of feminicide. A selection of sparkling wines from Sicily, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna will be an opportunity to discover more or less known realities and especially the work of 8 strong and passionate Women of Wine. Sara Missaglia will take participants on an emotional tasting session telling about the special characteristics of each glass and each grape variety. An engaging narrative to create propulsion and curiosity and generate new energy in all participants. Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Sangiovese, Pinot Blanc and Lambrusco these some of the grape varieties featured

    Moderator: Sara Missaglia. Journalist, Sommelier, Official Taster and Speaker of the Italian Sommelier Association

    Palma Vitae Association of Partanna is the organization that Marisa Leo supported and that works with women in need and victims of violence. Born in Castelvetrano in 2014, with a listening activity on the territory, and with the realization of events to raise awareness and socio-cultural promotion throughout Sicily, more than 200 in 9 years, in favor of a culture of respect for women against all kinds of violence.

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    Getting there

    Palazzo Bovara

    Corso Venezia, 51, Milano MI, Italia, 20121

      Corso Venezia, 51, Milano MI, Italia, 20121

      Getting there

      Palazzo Bovara

      Corso Venezia, 51, Milano MI, Italia, 20121

        Corso Venezia, 51, Milano MI, Italia, 20121