Fever Exclusive

Mers & Oceans: the sensory exhibition at Talk C.E.C


Fever Exclusive
Mers & Oceans: the sensory exhibition at Talk C.E.C

 Don't miss the final months of the Mers & Oceans exhibition! Talk C.E.C, espace de Création d'Expériences Culturelles, celebrates two years of artistic discoveries and commitments! Nestled in the heart of the former Demeuldre porcelain factory, we invite you to come and (re)discover the immersive exhibition Mers & Oceans until November 9. With the aim of highlighting the architectural heritage of our location to create a perfect symbiosis between the exhibition and its environment. As you explore each level, corridor and room, you're immersed in a constant dialogue between art, science and the history of the place, creating an unparalleled experience unfolding across 3,500 square meters.

💙 An exhibition on one of the greatest treasures of our planet
💎 A new 3500 m2 independent arts center in the emblematic Maison Demeuldre in Ixelles, one of the capital's hidden treasures
🌊 Murals, visual and sound experiments, installations, festive events and scientific conferences with the public
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 A perfect activity for the whole family

General Info
📅 Dates and times: select your dates/times directly in the ticket selector
⏳ Duration: 45 minutes (approx.)
📍 Location: Talk C.E.C Maison Demeuldre, Chaussée de Wavre 143 - 1050 Ixelles
👤 Age requirement: all ages welcome
♿ Accessibility: partially accessible to people with reduced mobility (only the first floor)
❓ Please consult the FAQs of this experience here

The former Maison Demeuldre porcelain factory, with its 3,500 m2 of floor space, was a fitting setting for such an ambitious theme! The biennial exhibition Mers & Océans has been designed to reflect the constant evolution of our understanding of the environment and its challenges. Conceived as a laboratory of ideas, a total of 60 artists and scientists from all over the world contributed to the success of this ambitious project. Each room offers a unique, immersive experience. Visitors are invited to dive to the depths of the ocean with murals, visual and sound experiences, installations, scenic events, and talks. Don't wait any longer, get your tickets now for "Mers & Océans" in Ixelles!

User reviews

4.2 /5
based on 176 reviews
  • Magnifique et scientifiquement intéressant
  • expérience incroyable et les œuvres magnifiques!
  • Merveilleuse exposition, très sympa guide et très gentil garcon. Clarissa et son papa ont eu une géniale intuition, il faut absolument aller, je vous conseille vivement. La siciliens d'Agrigente
  • Une immersion qui fait réfléchir!
  • Great experience, really unique venue!
  • super! très grande, très variée, peintures, statues, réalité augmentée, projections etc. EXPO A NE PAS MANQUER !
  • Ça foisonne, de couleurs, de style. L’endroit est magnifique et ajoute un côté hors du temps à cette expo. Allez user vos semelles, vous ne serez pas déçu
  • Super expérience!! L’endroit était vraiment magique! Juste prévoir une tenue chaude pc c’est un gd et vieux bâtiment..
  • Absolument magnifique 🩵 Je recommande vivement !
  • Surprenant, extrêmement créatif, définitivement original,… vaut vraiment le détour !
  • Bâtiment magnifique, expo super à voir, eau offerte, petit bar ... top
  • Peut être un peu plus d'info "scientifique" et de message pour sensibiliser les jeunes
  • Excellent!
  • Très belle expo ! Reposante et en même temps très enrichissante pour nous sensibiliser
  • Expo, bâtiment et projet incroyables

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Getting there


Chaussée de Wavre 143, Ixelles, 1050

    Chaussée de Wavre 143, Ixelles, 1050

    Getting there


    Chaussée de Wavre 143, Ixelles, 1050

      Chaussée de Wavre 143, Ixelles, 1050