Exclusivo Fever

Candlelight: 100 años de Warner Bros.


Exclusivo Fever
Candlelight: 100 años de Warner Bros.

Los conciertosCandlelight llevan la magia de una experiencia musical multisensorial en directo a lugares sobrecogedores como nunca antes se habían visto en Los Ángeles. Consigue ya tus entradas para celebrar el 100º Aniversario de Warner Bros. y descubre el asombroso cine, la música y los momentos mágicos más emblemáticos de la biblioteca Warner Bros. en el Steven J. Ross Theater, situado en las instalaciones de Warner Bros. Estudio Lot bajo el suave resplandor de la luz de las velas.

📍 Ubicación: Teatro SJR de los Estudios Warner Brothers, 4000 Warner Blvd. Burbank, California, 91522
⚠️ Esta experiencia tiene lugar en inglés
📅 Fecha y hora: elige la fecha y hora que quieras directamente en el selector de entradas
⏳ Duración: 65 minutos (las puertas se abrirán 1 hora antes de la hora de inicio y no se permite entrar tarde)
👤 Edad: experiencia para mayores de 8 años. Los menores de 16 años deben ir acompañados de un adulto
♿ Accesibilidad: el lugar cumple con la Ley para Estadounidenses con Discapacidades
🪑 Seating is assigned on a first come first served basis in each zone
❓ Consulta las preguntas frecuentes de este evento aquí
🕯️ Si deseas reservar un concierto privado (mínimo 15 personas), haz clic aquí
🎻 Consulta todos los conciertos Candlelight en Los Angeles
👉 Para más información sobre este evento, puedes visitar este enlace
🎁 Para obsequiar a tus amigos y familia con una tarjeta regalo Candlelight, haz clic aquí🎁 Consigue una tarjeta regalo para tus amigos y familia aquí

Programa tentativo

  • ElMago de Oz - Sobre el arco iris (1939)
  • Casablanca - Mientras pasa el tiempo (1942)
  • Cantando bajo la lluvia - Cantando bajo la lluvia (1952)
  • Scooby-Doo - Tema principal (1969)
  • Willy Wonka y la fábrica de chocolate - Pure Imagination (1971)
  • The Exorcist - Tema principal (Tubular Bells) (1973)
  • Purple Rain - Lluvia púrpura (1984)
  • Batman - Tema Principal (1989)
  • El Señor de los Aniños: La Comunidad del Anillo - Conjunto (2001)
  • Harry Potter y el Cáliz de Fuego - Himno de Hogwarts (2005)
  • ElOrigen - Time (2010)
  • La Mujer Maravilla - Conjunto (2017)
  • Ha nacido una estrella - Shallow (2018)
  • Liga de la Justicia - Batalla final (2017)
  • Friends - I'll Be There for You (1995)


  • Cuarteto de cuerda - Cuarteto Orquídea

Opiniones de usuarios

4.8 /5
basado en 374 opiniones
  • My gosh, this show was incredible. What an AMAZINGLY talented group of musicians and magical movie songs/scores. Made me tear up throughout. My husband, granddaughter and I absolutely loved it. Thanks to all who made it possible. And Happy 100 Warner Bros.
  • It was wonderful! We loved it! Everyone that worked for Fever was so nice and helpful!
  • Excellent show. The music was amazing, the event was very well organized, directions were clear, and all of the staff was very helpful and friendly. we will absolutely do this again.
  • Tonight was my first Fever Candlelight Event and it was absolutely amazing 🤩!! The all-female string quartet 🎻 who performed have such extraordinary talent 🌟 and mesmerized all of us with their music 🎶 of so many iconic movies 🎥 🍿 😃!! This particular Candlelight concert event 🕯 🎶 celebrated “100 Years of Warner Bros” 😃! So I felt like I got to truly enjoy something truly special 🥰!!
  • It was beautiful and so cool to experience it on the actual WB lot where so much of the history was made. The musicians were so talented
  • It's a always a great experience seeing these extraordinary woman, but last night was special.
  • The performance was fantastic. One of the main reasons we went was to watch/listen to the Selena cover. They didn't play it which broke my wife's heart. The quartet was beautiful.
  • The performance was absolutely wonderful. The music flowed around you, enhance by the candles.
  • OUTSTANDING performance at an historic location! Would definitely go again👍🏻
  • Amazing music and venue! A must see show!
  • It was amazing! I highly recommend it for those who love great music from films and TV! Great experience!
  • The stage wasn’t set up until the quartet was on stage. No one opened the water bottles for the quartet. Music was wonderful
  • Only thing off to me was the LOTR part was great, but not fully accurate to the Fellowship of the Ring. They didn’t play the Fellowship theme, the opening was actually from Two Towers, and the ending felt a little abrupt. Other than that, the rest of the ensemble and the venue was awesome!
  • It was an awesome experience. Wife and I loved it ..
  • Amazing! Highly recommend!!

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Sobre el lugar

Warner Brothers Studio SJR Theater

The Warner Bros. SJR Theater is a venue of immense significance in the world of entertainment. As part of the renowned Warner Bros. Studios, it holds a rich legacy in the film industry, having hosted ...

¿Cómo llegar?

Warner Brothers Studio SJR Theater

4000 Warner Boulevard, Burbank, 91522

    4000 Warner Boulevard, Burbank, 91522

    ¿Cómo llegar?

    Warner Brothers Studio SJR Theater

    4000 Warner Boulevard, Burbank, 91522

      4000 Warner Boulevard, Burbank, 91522