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The FRIENDS™ Experience: The One in New York City


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The FRIENDS™ Experience: The One in New York City

Entre no mundo deFRIENDS™!Com dois andares de experiências imersivas, é a experiência definitiva para os fãs deFRIENDS™. Pode posar no icónico sofá laranja, sentar-se na mesa da cozinha de Monica & Rachel, sentar e relaxar nas confortáveis cadeiras de Joey e Chandler, e muito mais. Reserve o seu lugar e poupe dinheiro através da compra antecipada de ingressos.

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Ingressos para The FRIENDS™ Experience: The One in NYC
🎫Ingressos Standard- inclui entrada emThe FRIENDS™ Experiencee um download digital gratuito de uma foto comemorativa premium

  • Ingresso para Grupos (6 convidados) - aproveite pacotes de ingressos a um preço especial

🎫Ingressos Premium- inclui acesso geral à experiência mais:

  • 1 Exclusivo souvenir deThe Friends™ Experience
  • 1 ficha para deixar casaco ou bolsa no armarinho
  • Um download digital gratuito da foto comemorativa do Central Perk

🎫Tour de grupo guiada- inclui a entrada no The FRIENDS™ Experience logo pela manhã antes da abertura ao público em geral e permite-lhe escolher o grupo com que participa. Os grupos serão controlados e será permitida a entrada na experiência com cinco minutos de intervalo para permitir que o seu grupo tenha uma experiência personalizada através do espaço.

  • Grupos de até 6, 8 ou 10 convidados

🎫Ingresso de Entrada Flexível- inclui acesso total à experiência em qualquer horário na data selecionada

  • Esta opção está disponível no calendário desta página no primeiro horário
  • O tempo final de entrada é de uma hora antes do encerramento

🎫 Pacote Adicional de Fotos Digitais - economize $5 ao comprar o seu pacote de fotos agora! Ganhe fotos digitais de si mesmo em frente à fonte, reencenando a cena do Pivot!, e no sofá laranja do Central Perk (só é necessário 1 por grupo)

O que você vai curtir
⛲ Dance em frente à fonte
🛋️ Passear no apartamento de Monica e Rachel
😊 Sente e relaxe no quarto de Joey & Chandler
☕ Pedir um café na Central Perk
✨ Explore dezenas de adereços e fatos, incluindo o vestido de noiva da Phoebe
🤩 Suba no Pat the Dog e muito mais!

📅 Datas: a partir de Janeiro de 2023
🕒 Horário de abertura (faixas horárias disponíveis de 15 em 15 minutos):
- De quinta a domingo: 10h - 19h (última entrada)
- Quartas-feiras (em Abril): 10h - 19h (última entrada)
- Terças-feiras: fechado
Aberto em segundas-feiras selecionadas
Visitas de Grupo Guiadas disponíveis aos sábados e domingos das 9h30 às 9h45
📍 Localização: 130 E 23rd St, New York City, NY (Localizada na esquina da Lexington Ave. e 23rd St.)
👤 Idade: todas as idades são bem-vindas. Os hóspedes com 12 anos ou menos devem ser acompanhados por um adulto com pelo menos 18 anos de idade. As crianças com 3 anos ou menos não precisam de ingresso quando acompanhadas por um dos pais ou tutor
♿ Acessibilidade: a experiência é acessível em cadeira de rodas e totalmente acessível para hóspedes com diversas deficiências e neurodiversidades
❓ Consulteaquias FAQs desta experiência

A nossa localização principal tem dois andares de experiências interativas onde se pode entrar no mundo de FRIENDS™.

Sente no icónico sofá laranja, explore adereços e alegorias originais recentemente acrescentados da série como a fantasia de coelho do Chandler e o famoso casaco de vaca da Rachel, ou se sinta em casa na sala de estar da Monica e da Rachel.

EU SABIA! Compre já os seus bilhetes para The FRIENDS™ Experience: The One in New York City!

FRIENDS e todos os personagens e elementos relacionados © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s22)

Opiniões dos utilizadores

4.7 /5
Baseado em 15369 opiniões
  • What's not to love!? Seriously all the reviews I read online were accurate! The STAFF WAS INCREDIBLE! The exhibits and the props from the set were AMAZING!!!! I didn't want to leave and I want to go back!!! Could I BE anymore excited...I THINK NOT!
  • It was so much fun and the staff was so friendly and helpful! I wish I could remember names of the few we spoke to more than a few words but they were extremely nice and super friendly and added to our experience in a great way
  • This was a fun and exciting experience. A must do for anyone
  • Awesome! Loved all the props and costumes. So nice to have pics taken for us and emailed. Such a fun experience!
  • Very cool experience and everyone in my family loved it! Pictures were great and so was the whole staff!
  • This is one of the coolest opportunities- to sit in Monica and Rachel’s apartment as well as Joey and Chandler’s AND Central Perk! So much fun!
  • It was great. And the fact that professional pictures, taken by their crew, were included, made it extra special.
  • The exhibition was nice and the pictures were great. I liked how the bathrooms were painted in Friends purpule, but I wish the rooms and house felt more friends and not just friends things put into the room
  • OH MY GOD !! It was amazing ! I wanna rest all the day inside !!! Don’t think just go if you are a true Friends fan 😍
  • I had the absolute best time ever on mothers day weekend with my mom!!! will be back!! The staff was friendly , its was clean!
  • We are obsessed with Friends as a Family! We Came to New York as a Family & my daughter had to come to this!! How could we say No! We all Had a Blast! My daughter is their Biggest Fan & loved every minute of it! Staff was so please tell! Thank you!
  • For those who are fans of Friends I have nothing to say other than the perfection of this experience. Best choice to miss the show and feel a little part of the world of Friends.
  • Loved the experience. It felt like we were living in the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. world. Staff was amazing. Photo spots were amazing. I felt like the experience ended early probably because I didn't want it to end :P but it would be nice to have 1 or 2 more sets. And a slightly more affordable gift shop. But I loveed it.
  • Fun fun fun… i like it… congratulations…. Thank you for this amazing expérience of Friends… kiss from belgium
  • The staff were all so nice and helpful. They hit on every pivotal moment of the show and recreated it. Had a blast!

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Sobre o local

The FRIENDS™ Experience, NYC

Our flagship location has two floors of interactive experiences where you can step inside the world of FRIENDS™. We are located in the Gramercy neighborhood of Manhattan; at the corner of 23rd Street ...

Como chegar?

The FRIENDS™ Experience, NYC

130 E 23rd St, New York, NY (Located on the corner of Lexington Ave. and 23rd St.), 10010

    130 E 23rd St, New York, NY (Located on the corner of Lexington Ave.  and 23rd St.), 10010

    Como chegar?

    The FRIENDS™ Experience, NYC

    130 E 23rd St, New York, NY (Located on the corner of Lexington Ave. and 23rd St.), 10010

      130 E 23rd St, New York, NY (Located on the corner of Lexington Ave.  and 23rd St.), 10010