🎫 General admission: one (approx) 14-lap race (two if you win the first!), 2 hours of themed games and activities, a multitude of prizes, themed costumes and a chance to win a trip to Las Vegas! All games are children friendly - cash machines, inflatable games, corn hole, etc.
General info 🕑 Hours: Various weekend dates and times 👤 Entry requirements: Age 12+, at least 58 inches, and under 300lbs ❓ Please note: This is is not a street race ❓ Please note: The Las Vegas championship will take place December 7th - winners will fly in on December 6th and out on the 8th!
Description The race is on! Have you ever wanted to race against your favorite characters in the hopes of being crowned Mushroom Rally's NY (NJ) or even US champion? This is your chance! Go-Karting with a twist is coming to NYC (well, Jersey City), and you can't miss it. It's going to be a unique experience that combines your favorite characters, friends, and new friends for a driving experience that will take you back in time. Racers from cities across the country are going to be competing for the chance to win a trip to Las Vegas for the national championship! While you aren't racing, you will enjoy competitive games and activities in the hopes of earning stars to redeem for epic prizes. A costume, access to all games and activities for 2 hours, an exhilarating race, and entry into the US championship bracket is included in your ticket, so what are you waiting for? Prepare yourself for prizes, Instagram worthy moments, and a whole lot of fun!","rating":{"average":4.15,"isHidden":false,"numRatings":529},"isGiveaway":false,"cityStandardId":1023191,"citySlug":"new-york","citySlugLanguage":"en","defaultPlace":{"id":14008,"address":"99 Caven Point Rd, Jersey City, 07305","locale":"en","latitude":40.700728,"longitude":-74.072233,"hidden":false,"metroStations":[],"name":"RPM Raceway","signedMapUrl":"https://applications-media.feverup.com/image/upload/f_auto/fever2/place/maps/14008__40.700728_-74.072233.png","slug":null,"hasPlacePage":false},"places":[{"id":14008,"address":"99 Caven Point Rd, Jersey City, 07305","locale":"en","latitude":40.700728,"longitude":-74.072233,"hidden":false,"metroStations":[],"name":"RPM Raceway","signedMapUrl":"https://applications-media.feverup.com/image/upload/f_auto/fever2/place/maps/14008__40.700728_-74.072233.png","slug":null,"hasPlacePage":false}],"is3dRequired":false,"isTimeless":false,"isUrgent":true,"priceInfo":{"type":"single","currency":"","amount":null,"strikethrough":null},"multipleSessions":false,"defaultSession":null,"firstSessionDate":null,"firstActiveSessionDate":null,"lastActiveSessionDate":null,"lastSessionDate":null,"meta":{"title":"","description":"","jsonIdOverrides":[],"disallowIndexing":false},"logoUrl":null,"redirectTo":null,"baseLocale":"en-US","enableImageTestExperiment":false,"sessionSelectorType":"date","isCalendarSelector":false,"partnerId":6646,"presentationSettings":{"showImportantInformation":false,"isStreaming":false,"hideSimilarPlans":false,"hideHelp":false,"hideCouponLoyalty":false,"showBsaToggle":false,"enableRedeemVouchersWeb":false,"isVoucherWithPrefixRequired":false,"showPlacePreview":false,"showReviewsFromMainPlanInfo":false,"hideRating":false,"banners":[],"reviewsFromPlanId":null,"labelRedeemVouchersWeb":null,"lowAvailabilityThreshold":null,"hasAffiliateLink":null,"displayCalendarPrice":null,"hidePlaceSelector":false,"hideRecommenderItems":false},"accessRules":[],"cityAvailableLocales":["en-US","es-MX"],"translationLanguages":[],"shouldDisplayFeaturedReviewAnswers":false,"hasAddOns":false,"hasSeasons":false,"selectorSettings":{"type":"single","viewConfiguration":"horizontal"},"aBTesting":null,"defaultLevelDisplay":"disabled","allowMultiSessionPurchase":false},"cityDetail":{"id":6,"code":"NYC","slug":"new-york","slugTranslations":{"es":"nueva-york","en":"new-york"},"name":"New York","locale":"en-US","availableLocales":["en-US","es-MX"],"title":"Events & Things to do in New York","subtitle":"Enjoy New York's most exciting events and experiences, get access to top tourist attractions, discover tons of secret places and find out about the best events and activities.","landscape":"https://applications-media.feverup.com/image/upload/f_auto/fever2/city/photos/web/Nyc-Portada-2048x616_1.jpg","meta":{"title":"Events in New York (NYC) & Things to do","description":"Discover the most exciting experiences in NYC with Fever, from concerts and festivals to museums, restaurants, cinema tickets, and much more.","thumbnail":"https://applications-media.feverup.com/image/upload/f_auto,w_280,h_280,c_lfill,g_auto/fever2/city/photos/web/nyc-280x280_3.jpg"},"country":"US","region":"New York","telephone":"+16468496917","email":"hello@feverup.com","thumbnail":"https://applications-media.feverup.com/image/upload/f_auto/fever2/city/photos/web/new-york-560x560.jpg","hidden":false,"currency":"USD","venuesPageLink":"https://feverup.com/en/new-york/venue","allowIndexing":true,"latitude":40.736009,"longitude":-73.984188,"timezone":"America/New_York","hasWhenPages":true,"coupon":{"link":"https://use.fvr.to/oAR1JCCgrL","code":"HIFEVER"}},"availableAddOnCategories":[],"theme":null,"hasPlacePreview":false,"channel":"fever-marketplace","planImageDataExperiment":null,"isSplitTest":true,"isWebview":false};
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Oops! We love this experience, but no tickets are on sale at the moment
Oops! We love this experience, but no tickets are on sale at the moment
Mushroom Rally Go-Karting (NY/NJ)
Would you like to get notified if tickets become available?
Ticket 🎫 General admission: one (approx) 14-lap race (two if you win the first!), 2 hours of themed games and activities, a multitude of prizes, themed costumes and a chance to win a trip to Las Vegas! All games are children friendly - cash machines, inflatable games, corn hole, etc.
General info 🕑 Hours: Various weekend dates and times 👤 Entry requirements: Age 12+, at least 58 inches, and under 300lbs ❓ Please note: This is is not a street race ❓ Please note: The Las Vegas championship will take place December 7th - winners will fly in on December 6th and out on the 8th!
Description The race is on! Have you ever wanted to race against your favorite characters in the hopes of being crowned Mushroom Rally's NY (NJ) or even US champion? This is your chance! Go-Karting with a twist is coming to NYC (well, Jersey City), and you can't miss it. It's going to be a unique experience that combines your favorite characters, friends, and new friends for a driving experience that will take you back in time. Racers from cities across the country are going to be competing for the chance to win a trip to Las Vegas for the national championship! While you aren't racing, you will enjoy competitive games and activities in the hopes of earning stars to redeem for epic prizes. A costume, access to all games and activities for 2 hours, an exhilarating race, and entry into the US championship bracket is included in your ticket, so what are you waiting for? Prepare yourself for prizes, Instagram worthy moments, and a whole lot of fun!