
Formal Couples at Off Latina Teatro


Formal Couples at Off Latina Teatro

😂 A comedy of tangles with a crazy rhythm  
✨ A fun play to share with your friends
💫 A show full of surprises at La Latina

General Information
📅 Date: select your date directly in the ticket selector
⏳ Duration: 65 minutes
📍 Location: Off Latina Madrid
👤 Age: 12 years and older
❗ For this event, all sales are final and tickets can’t be refunded, changed or modified For more information, you can consult our T& C

Artistic data

  • Genre: something to make you think, laugh and be amazed
  • Company: La Curvatura theater
  • Director: Juan Alberto Garcia
  • Performers: Juan Alberto García, Adriana Bonet, Irene Esteban , Daniel Retuerta, Andrea Caloxe
  • Author - adaptation: Marian San Pablo

Formal Couples is a comedy of tangles of crazy rhythm and vital decisions of its very different characters. Rosi, Leo, Carlos and Estela are four young adults at a time of making very important decisions in their lives. Where to go to live with such expensive apartments? Should I marry my partner, with whom I have lost the illusion of the beginning? Now that I have responsibilities, what kind of person do I want to be and what kind of life do I want to lead? If I don't choose well, will I be able to be happy in my life? Leo and Carlos are a bit standoffish but want to stop being so. Can they do it with their current life or do they need a change? Rosi and Estela are very nice, cute and a bit "maris". As they mature and grow up one question haunts them with more and more force: "look, men, what exactly are they good for? Get your tickets for Parejas formales at Off Latina Teatro, Madrid!

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Getting there

Teatro Off La Latina

Calle de los Mancebos, 4, Madrid, 28005

  • Teatro Off La Latina metro station La Latina connection 1 La Latina
Calle de los Mancebos, 4, Madrid, 28005

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Getting there

Teatro Off La Latina

Calle de los Mancebos, 4, Madrid, 28005

  • Teatro Off La Latina metro station La Latina connection 1 La Latina
Calle de los Mancebos, 4, Madrid, 28005

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