⭐️ To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Naruto anime, an exhibition recreating this fantastic world is finally arriving in Seoul after stops in Japan and Singapore. Experience every moment of Naruto's journey from a boy to the ultimate ninja warrior at NARUTO THE GALLERY!
💡 Relive key scenes from the Naruto anime
🎥 Watch the Naruto world brought to life through storyboards, character art, video displays, dioramas, and more
🎁 Exclusive merchandise available only at NARUTO THE GALLERY
🌟 First appearance in Korea after stops in Japan and Singapore
General Info
📅 Dates: September 27 - December 30
🕒 Time: 10:00 - 21:00 daily
📍 Location: B1F / B2, Good People Building, 162 Yanghwa-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul
👤 Age: All ages are welcome, with free admission for children under 3
♿ This venue is wheelchair accessible
❓ Please consult the FAQs of this experience here
Considered as the greatest anime of all time, Naruto is renowned for its compelling story of a boy's growth and its deep philosophy. Now, to celebrate its 20th anniversary, this beloved series is coming to Korea in an exciting exhibition. After a successful run at Universal Studios in Akihabara, Japan and Singapore, the exhibition is coming to Seoul. Experience Naruto through storyboards, character art, video displays, dioramas, and more across six themes. Don't miss the seven-minute battle finale brought to life in theater. Plus, explore an exclusive collection of merchandise available only at the exhibition. The highly anticipated event you've been waiting for is finally coming! Buy your tickets now!
Getting there
서울 마포구 양화로 162 좋은사람들빌딩 지하 1층/지하 2층, 04050
Select date and session
No booking fees
- Dec 2024
All prices shown in South Korean won
Best price
- Entry to the experience
- Entry to the experience
- Entry to the experience
*For this package, a maximum of 2 adults are included. If 4 tickets are purchased, only 2 adults will be allowed entry, and the remaining tickets are for children (ages 3-12) only.
- Entry to the experience
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