Un Boludo in Madrid with Leo Vizioli at Clandestino Café Teatro

    Un Boludo in Madrid with Leo Vizioli at Clandestino Café Teatro

    🎤 A monologue for non-stop laughter with Julio Leo Vizioli
    🔥 A very rogue comedy show to share with your friends
    🍻 Bar available to have a drink while you enjoy the show

    General Information
    📅 Dates and times: select your dates/times directly in the ticket selector
    📍 Location: Clandestino Café Teatro
     👤 Age requirement: over 18 years old
    👉 Unnumbered tickets. Seating on a first-come, first-served basis
    ❗ Beverages not included in your ticket

    By request of the Argentine public, Leo Vizioli finally left Buenos Aires... and arrives in Madrid with the mission to make you laugh with his "boludeces". A "heavyweight" comedian who throughout his 10-year career has increased his body more than his bank account. Do you want to meet him? Get your tickets for Un Boludo in Madrid with Leo Vizioli at Clandestino Café Teatro, Madrid!

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    Getting there

    Clandestino Café Teatro

    Calle de las Tres Cruces, 12, Madrid, 28013

      Calle de las Tres Cruces, 12, Madrid, 28013

      Getting there

      Clandestino Café Teatro

      Calle de las Tres Cruces, 12, Madrid, 28013

        Calle de las Tres Cruces, 12, Madrid, 28013