
Unlimited movie subscriptions


Unlimited movie subscriptions

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 enjoy Madrid drive-in movie theater without limits with the unlimited ticket subscriptions! This season ticket is carefully created for the most loyal and special drive-thru drivers. By purchasing it, you will be able to come to Autocine as many times as you want during a whole year, from the moment of purchase. Pay only once and enjoy the movies without limits! You will be able to access any cinema session, whether it is a classic movie or a premiere, winter or summer, weekdays or weekends, there is no limit, make yourself at home

Unlimited movie passes at Autocine Madrid 
🎫 General Season Ticket - Unlimited Autocine Madrid tickets. Valid for one year from the date of purchase.
🎫 Premium Season Ticket - Unlimited Autocine Madrid tickets with popcorn + Unlimited Rita's Brunch tickets + Birthday gift + Merchandising welcome pack. Valid for one year from the date of purchase.

🎥 Unlimited tickets to Autocine Madrid
🥳 Welcome packs and gifts for your birthday
🎉 Free admission to Rita's Brunch

General Information
📅 Date and time: depending on the sessions
📍 Location: Autocine Madrid
⚠️ The subscription is personal and non-transferable and, in order to gain access, you must present your ID card. It is valid for one year from the time of purchase.

eNJOY A DRIVE-IN MOVIE WITHOUT LIMITS! New unlimited ticket subscription specially designed for the most loyal and special drivers. With the purchase of a season ticket, the holder will be able to come to Autocine Madrid as many times as he/she wants for a whole year, from the moment of purchase. Buy your Autocine Madrid season ticket and enjoy your favorite movies whenever you want!

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About the venue

Autocine Madrid

El Autocine Madrid es el autocine más grande de Europa, con capacidad para 350 coches. Ofrece una experiencia completa con películas, comida, música y coches en un ambiente de los años 50. La carteler...

Getting there

Autocine Madrid

Calle Isla de Java, 2, 28034

  • Autocine Madrid metro station Fuencarral connection 1 Fuencarral
  • Autocine Madrid metro station Begoña connection 1 Begoña
Calle Isla de Java, 2, 28034

Select session

Getting there

Autocine Madrid

Calle Isla de Java, 2, 28034

  • Autocine Madrid metro station Fuencarral connection 1 Fuencarral
  • Autocine Madrid metro station Begoña connection 1 Begoña
Calle Isla de Java, 2, 28034

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