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哈利·波特: A Forbidden Forest Experience


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哈利·波特: A Forbidden Forest Experience


不要错过哈利·波特 A Forbidden Forest Experience! 步入灯火点缀的森林深处,发现神奇物和标志性的 Wizarding World时刻。获取门票!

🔴 四月 - 数量非常有限
🟡 五月 - 数量有限

🎁 若想以 哈利·波特A Forbidden Forest Experience 礼品卡馈赠亲朋好友,请点击此处 

🌳植树造林,共筑森林:我们致力于颂扬大自然的力量,确保为后代留下一个能够欣赏我们美丽环境的遗产。你可以选择捐赠3.00 澳元购买一棵树,覆盖在澳大利亚的种植和管理成本。更多信息,请访问我们的网站

🏞️ 沿着林间小径穿越仿佛被施了魔咒一般的森林,林中充满互动和美丽灯光
🐎 与哈利·波特™和神奇动物™电影中的魔法生物近距离相遇,如鹰头马身有翼兽、独角兽、玻璃兽等
✨ 使用你的魔杖施咒语,甚至召唤守护神
🍽️ 享受以 Wizarding World 为灵感的精选美食和饮料
📸 拍摄大量有趣的照片,保留晚间冒险的神奇记忆

📅 日期:从 2024 年 4 月 6 日起
🕒 时间:周一至周日,下午 5:30 至晚上 11:00(周一最后入场时间为晚上 8:30;周四、周五和周日最后入场时间为晚上 9:15;周六最后入场时间为晚上 9:30
⏳ 持续时间:约60–90分钟(步行路径约需 45–75 分钟)
📍 地点:The Briars,玛莎山
👤 年龄要求:老少皆宜。2 岁以下儿童免费入场
♿ 无障碍设施:请注意这是一条丛林徒步小径。在大多数区域,路径并没有坚硬的表面。在小径末端有一些狭窄的路段,可能对轮椅进入造成困难。欲了解更多信息,请参阅下面的常见问题
🚗 停车:开车前来的访客必须在抵达前购买停车券。由于停车位有限,鼓励使用拼车服务。
🥾 这是一条户外路径,强烈建议穿户外鞋。
❓ 请在此处查看此体验的常见问题


随着白昼变短,夜晚变长,冒险穿越一条丛林小径,发现魔法和意想不到的惊喜。准备好你的魔杖,施展咒语,近距离接触神奇生物,并享受基于 Wizarding World 的被施了魔咒的禁忌森林体验。踏上充满魔法的旅程,穿越充满魔法和奇妙的迷雾森林小径,每个拐角都隐藏着意想不到的惊喜。准备好你的魔杖,施展咒语,近距离接触鹰头马身有翼兽和独角兽,体验基于《哈利·波特》和《神奇动物》电影场景的惊心动魄时刻。不要错过这个难以忘怀的体验机会。加入墨尔本的哈利·波特:A Forbidden Forest Experience 的等待名单!

WIZARDING WORLD 及所有相商标、角色、名称和标志均为 © & ™ 华纳兄弟娱乐公司所有。出版权 © JKR



4.68 /5
  • Amazing immersive experience which really does work for most ages…my 2, 6 and both myself and my partner loves the experience.
  • What an absolutely magical experience, a true delight to walk around the Briars with this spectacular light, music & moments from Harry Potter. A wonderful experience and I’m so glad I went to this. A massive amount of work has gone into this. The only negative I would say is, the $15 parking fee, which there is no mention of anywhere & you have to pay it or where you going to park. The parking should definitely have been included given the price. Great experience nevertheless!!
  • A truly magical experience. From the moment we entered the forest we were transported to an amazing world of sound and colour where anything was possible. Better than I ever imagined.
  • It was an amazing experience that my daughter really loved it. The information leading up to the event could have been little more detailed to assist with what was going to be available at the site (food, shelter etc)
  • It was a magical experience, especially the butterbeer with added "magic" 😉
  • amazing!
  • What a wonderful night of magic and wonder, like we just walked into the world of Harry Potter. Made better by the fact we’re totally dressed for the occasion in our Potteresque costumes. The music, sounds and animations were totally immersive and the interactivity was an absolute highlight. Favourite moments for me and our family was the unicorn animation in the forest, conjuring our own patronis, the colovaria mushrooms and of course, duelling it out in true wizard style. The butterbeer was a little too sickly-sweet for our liking, but still, a wonderful adventurous experience that is an absolute must for any Potter World fans.
  • Great but better for kids
  • Really nice experience for Harry Potter fans!
  • This was a great experience very interactive and lots to see, would definitely recommend
  • The whole experience was amazing. Wish it went abit longer.
  • Wow wow wow! What a fantastic experience. Thank you for taking us to the world of Harry Potter. Didn’t want to leave.
  • Absolutely amazing. Perfect night!
  • I think the organisation of the event was top tier. I really appreciated the information before arrival on the website (ie: accessibility, light and noise levels, knowing that the staff are equipped to help, and time to arrive/the end of the event), which really helped me enjoy the experience that much more as someone with anxiety and invisible disabilities. My partner and I also loved the attention to detail! The staff were super friendly, personable, and ready to help with absolutely anything you needed. I also liked that the place wasn't super crowded, despite it being fully booked. it made it that much easier to enjoy, not only not having to deal with huge crowds, but also knowing that it wasn't just a money grab, and a lot of time and thought had been put into the planning of the event.Also definitely appreciated the seating, drinks, and amenities just before the end of the walk. it definitely lessened the load on the bathrooms at the end of theore trail, and made getting out that much m streamlined
  • My family and I had a great time


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The Briars is a spectacular 230-hectare property located in Mount Martha, roughly 1 hours drive to the south of Melbourne. Visitors can enjoy walks and wildlife spotting or become immersed in history ...


The Briars

450 Nepean Highway, Mount Martha, 3934

    450 Nepean Highway, Mount Martha, 3934


    The Briars

    450 Nepean Highway, Mount Martha, 3934

      450 Nepean Highway, Mount Martha, 3934