
Greek myths for children, stories of mythology at Off Latina Teatro


Greek myths for children, stories of mythology at Off Latina Teatro

Tickets Greek myths for children, stories of mythology at Off Latina Teatro, Madrid
🎫 Tickets for 1 adult in front stalls
🎫 Tickets in the stalls for 1 child under 14 years of age

General Information
📅 Date and time: various dates and times available (select during purchase)
⌛ Duration: 60 minutes
📍 Location: Off Latina Teatro, madrid, Spain
👤 Age requirement: 4+

Cast and credits
  • Genre: Family
  • Company: Héctor Urién
  • Performance: Héctor Urién
  • Direction, writing and adaptation: Héctor Urién

Greek mythology narrated by voice and expression, accompanied by only a few props. Three linked stories as they must have been told by the Homers of Greece and Crete, for children and adults. With masterful storytelling skills, Héctor Urién immerses us in the Aegean and introduces us to the ship of Ulysses as we accompany his sailors on their adventures. With this fantastic and unparalleled show, he encloses us in the Labyrinth, posing almost sphinx-like enigmas, which makes us laugh and bring us to tears.

User reviews

4.5 /5
based on 39 reviews
  • Fantastico trabajo
  • Excelente monólogo!! Lo recomiendo muchísimo!
  • Muy divertido! Un plan original para hacer en familia porque interactúa con el público y lo hace muy ameno. Nos ha gustado muchísimo a todos. Muchas gracias!!
  • Experimentar los mitos desde otra perspectiva. El actor ama contar historias y acerca constantemente la trama al espectador con una batería de recursos narrativos y didácticos muy divertidos
  • Muy entretenido, pero hay que avisar que es más para niños

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Getting there

Teatro Off La Latina

Calle de los Mancebos, 4, Madrid, 28005

  • Teatro Off La Latina metro station La Latina connection 1 La Latina
Calle de los Mancebos, 4, Madrid, 28005

Getting there

Teatro Off La Latina

Calle de los Mancebos, 4, Madrid, 28005

  • Teatro Off La Latina metro station La Latina connection 1 La Latina
Calle de los Mancebos, 4, Madrid, 28005