Halloween activities in Seville
Discover the spookiest events and the scariest Halloween experiences in Seville.
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Seville Highlights: Experiences to Remember
Auditorio Nissan Cartuja We call it Ballet: Sleeping Beauty" Dance and Light Show
18 Jan - 20 FebFrom €24.00Monumento a la Inmaculada Guided night tour of enchanted Seville (Spanish tour)
4.7(417)21 - 28 DecFrom €12.00Torre del Oro Monumental Route on cruise along the Guadalquivir River
4.2(54)21 Dec - 13 FebFrom €0.00Barcelona Polar Sound Occident 2025: Passes and Accommodation
20 MarFrom €9.00Pabellón de la Navegación Navigation Pavilion
22 - 29 DecFrom €6.00Tablao Flamenco Las Setas Flamenco and cocktails at Tablao Flamenco Las Setas
4.9(8)21 - 31 DecFrom €35.00Barcelona Polar Sound Occident Festival 2025 Passes
21 MarFrom €74.50Teatro Quintero Sevilla Generación Tuenti en Sevilla
29 MarFrom €12.00