Exklusiver Fever-Preis

Captain America: Brave New World

Exklusiver Fever-Preis
Captain America: Brave New World

✨ There don't seem to be any easy, friendly meetings for Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) aka Captain America. A meeting with the newly elected US President Thaddeus Ross (Harrison Ford) involves the Avengers with the iconic vibranium shield in a conflict of global proportions. But there is still time to save the world from plunging into absolute chaos. But time is of the essence...

🕒 Publication date: 2025-02-12
🎥 Director: Julius Onah
⭐ Cast: Anthony Mackie, Harrison Ford, Danny Ramirez
🎭 Genre: Action
👤 Age rating: PG-13
⏳ Duration: 118 min

General Info
🎁 Fever advantage: Enjoy Captain America: Brave New World with 20% discount thanks to Fever!
📍 Redeemable at the UCI Am Eastgate, UCI Luxe Gropius Passagen, UCI Luxe Mercedes Platz and UCI Luxe Potsdam cinemas.
❓ Redeem your code online on the website, in your UCI Kinowelt app or at the box office. You can find more information about the General Terms and Conditions here.

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