Exclusivo Fever

Lite-Brite: Worlds of Wonder


Exclusivo Fever
Lite-Brite: Worlds of Wonder

UNA DESLUMBRANTE AVENTURA TE ESPERA - Entra en un mundo vibrante donde el color y la luz cobran vida, despertando la imaginación y el asombro. Esta experiencia inmersiva ofrece un viaje mágico para todas las edades, fusionando creatividad y maravilla en cada momento.

Qué vas a disfrutar
🤩 Recorre 11 salas totalmente interactivas
💫 Explora un teatro LED de 360° con 3 mundos temáticos: Submarino, Prehistórico y Espacio Exterior.
🖼️ Admira la Galería de Artistas con obras creadas por artistas locales de Los Ángeles
🕹️ Continúa la diversión en la sala de juegos Lite-Brite
✨ Descubre estaciones de juegos sensoriales para los más pequeños y los más jóvenes de corazón
📸 Transfórmate en una persona pixelada en un fotomatón Lite-Brite

📅 Fechas y horas: elige en el selector de entradas
🕒 Horario de apertura: De martes a sábado (consulta las excepciones en el selector de entradas)
⏳ Duración: aprox. 60 minutos
📍 Lugar: Santa Monica Place
👤 Edad requerida: ¡todas las edades son bienvenidas! Los menores de 18 años deben ir acompañados de un adulto
♿ Accesibilidad: ADA-friendly; recinto totalmente accesible.
❓ Puedes consultar las preguntas frecuentes y sus respuestas aquí
👉 Para reservas de grupos grandes de estudiantes (más de 30 personas), haz clic aquí

Adéntrate en un nostálgico mundo de fantasía.Explora 11 salas totalmente interactivas que reimaginan tus juegos y actividades favoritos de la niñez con la magia de Lite-Brite.

Sumérgete en obras de arte interactivas, explora estaciones de juegos sensoriales y juega en un salón recreativo interactivo a tamaño real.Revive los sueños de tu infancia en nuestro teatro inmersivo de 360 grados, donde viajarás bajo el agua, retrocederás en el tiempo y te aventurarás en el espacio exterior.

Déjate inspirar para soñar, jugar, crear y recordar qué se siente al volver a la infancia.

Consigue ya tus boletos para Lite-Brite:Worlds of Wonder en Los Ángeles.

Opiniones de usuarios

4.1 /5
basado en 391 opiniones
  • A wonderfully nostalgic experience! Had so much fun exploring and that staff could not have been nicer!
  • Overall, this was a great value experience. It was great that there were different components—history, games, and interactive elements. I really enjoyed experiencing the nostalgia of Lite Brite in a brand new way.
  • This was such a fun adventure. There were so many different experiences that brought out the kid in me and also appealed to the kids I brought. Beautiful visual effects and interactive rooms. Worth the time and money! Highly recommend!
  • Sooooo fun!!
  • such a fun break from reality and nice ode to my childhood
  • Loved the last room!
  • Loved that the exhibit was interactive. There’s something for every age there.
  • Great event, took our 5 month old and I think she really enjoyed all the the lights. We also really enjoyed it, as it was beautifully done. Fairly small but somehow we did manage to spend at least an hour inside.
  • It was a fun experience.
  • More fun than expected. everyone was really friendly, knowledgeable and helpful. My young one said she wanted to go again and again and again...
  • The show in the main room, along with the music, is fantastic
  • Wonderful experience and friendly workers. Ozzie was wonderful from start to end!! We also enjoyed the area where the games were, that employee was awesome!
  • We had an amazing fun time
  • Awesome
  • Experience was great.

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Santa Monica Place

Santa Monica Place is located steps away from the beach and the iconic Santa Monica Pier. The outdoor luxury shopping center is three levels of retail, dining and entertainment located at the south en...

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Santa Monica Place

395 Santa Monica Place, Santa Monica, 90401

    395 Santa Monica Place, Santa Monica, 90401

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    Santa Monica Place

    395 Santa Monica Place, Santa Monica, 90401

      395 Santa Monica Place, Santa Monica, 90401