Exclusivo Fever

Sesiones originales Candlelight: Cory Henry

Exclusivo Fever
Sesiones originales Candlelight: Cory Henry

Los conciertos Candlelight llevan la magia de una experiencia musical multisensorial en directo a lugares asombrosos como nunca antes se habían visto en Londres. Consigue ya tus entradas para descubrir la música de Cory Henry en St Mary's Church, Marylebone, bajo el suave resplandor de la luz de las velas.

En pocas palabras, Cory Henry es un artista ganador de un Grammy, compositor, productor, multiinstrumentista, un maestro del teclado y ¡es el futuro de la música! A lo largo de su carrera musical en solitario, Cory ha obtenido 3 nominaciones a los Grammy por sus álbumes. Anteriormente, Cory fue miembro de Snarky Puppy, ¡y durante su etapa en la banda ganó tres premios Grammy! La última obra maestra de Cory, Church, ha causado sensación en la comunidad gospel y está uniendo a los fans de su sonido funk tradicional con sus raíces eclesiásticas Cory sigue atrayendo la atención de fans de todo el mundo en sus giras nacionales e internacionales

📍 Ubicación: St Mary's Church, Marylebone
📅 Fechas y horas: selecciona tus fechas/horas directamente en el selector de entradas
⏳ Duración: 60 minutos (las puertas se abrirán 45 minutos antes de la hora de inicio y no se permite entrar tarde)
👤 Edad: experiencia para mayores de 8 años. Los menores de 16 años deben ir acompañados de un adulto
♿ Accesibilidad: este lugar es accesible en silla de ruedas.
❓ Consulta las preguntas frecuentes de este evento aquí
🪑 Seating is assigned on a first come first served basis in each zone
🕯️ Si quieres reservar un concierto privado o comprar entradas normales para un grupo grande (+30 personas), haz clic aquí
🎻 Consulta todos los conciertos Candlelight en Londres
🎁 Para obsequiar a tus amigos y familiares con una tarjeta regalo Candlelight, haz clic aquí


  • La lista de canciones se anunciará ese mismo día


  • Cory Henry

Mapa de asientos

Opiniones de usuarios

¡Descubre lo que han dicho otras personas sobre esta experiencia en otras ciudades del mundo!

  • The girls are amazing! Such a good atmosphere. Time passes fast when we're having fun! ❤️
  • Fantastic evening thoroughly enjoyed it. Great musicians
  • Beautiful music in a relaxed atmosphere. Can't believe it's already over.
  • Absolutely amazing!!!! I would recommend!! I would probably go in further back to be honest, I was up front and if I went back I'd go into the further sections because it isn't a large theater so you're not missing anything, it lasted an hour and it was gorgeous!
  • It was absolutely amazing realy brilliant
  • Super evening , Amazing x Great birthday treat x
  • Excellent thanks
  • Absolutely beautiful
  • Amazing experience. Loved it so much.
  • Really enjoyable
  • A truly magical night!
  • It was an amazing experience. Lovely, beautiful, funny... I highly recommend this concert.
  • really enjoyed the performance
  • Fantastic. A wonderful experience.
  • Brilliant really enjoyed it well done to everyone

¿Alguna duda?

Contáctanos aquí

Sobre el lugar

St Mary's Church, Marylebone

St Mary's, Bryanston Square is a historic and architecturally significant Church of England located in London. With its beautiful brick building, rounded stone portico, and round tower, it stands out ...

¿Cómo llegar?

St Mary's Church, Marylebone

Wyndham Place, York Street, London, W1H 1PQ

  • St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Baker Street connection 1 St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Baker Street connection 2 St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Baker Street connection 3 St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Baker Street connection 4 St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Baker Street connection 5 Baker Street
  • St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Edgware Road connection 1 St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Edgware Road connection 2 St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Edgware Road connection 3 Edgware Road
  • St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Marylebone connection 1 Marylebone
Wyndham Place, York Street, London, W1H 1PQ

¿Cómo llegar?

St Mary's Church, Marylebone

Wyndham Place, York Street, London, W1H 1PQ

  • St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Baker Street connection 1 St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Baker Street connection 2 St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Baker Street connection 3 St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Baker Street connection 4 St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Baker Street connection 5 Baker Street
  • St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Edgware Road connection 1 St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Edgware Road connection 2 St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Edgware Road connection 3 Edgware Road
  • St Mary's Church, Marylebone metro station Marylebone connection 1 Marylebone
Wyndham Place, York Street, London, W1H 1PQ