
Ceramic Painting Classes in Orange County


Ceramic Painting Classes in Orange County

🎨 Skilled instructors will guide you step-by-step, ensuring you create a masterpiece to be proud of
🍷 Enjoy good company, great wine, and leave with a beautiful painting created by you!
🖌️ All painting supplies provided – ceramic plates and bowls, paints, brushes...
🍵 A relaxed, fun, and creative environment

General Info
📅 Date: Choose in the ticket selector
⏳ Duration: 2 hours
📍 Location: Art Masterclass - Orange County
👤 Age Requirement: suitable for anyone aged 6 and above. Must be 21+ to consume alcohol.

Immerse yourself in a world of creativity with this Ceramic Painting class in Orange County! Unleash your inner artist while sipping on wine and enjoying the company of friends. No experience needed - talented instructors will guide you every step of the way. Book your spot now for a fun and unforgettable evening. Get your tickets now for Ceramic Painting Classes in Orange County!

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Getting there

Art Masterclass - Orange County

1652 Edinger Avenue Suite A, Tustin, 92780

    1652 Edinger Avenue Suite A, Tustin, 92780

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    Getting there

    Art Masterclass - Orange County

    1652 Edinger Avenue Suite A, Tustin, 92780

      1652 Edinger Avenue Suite A, Tustin, 92780

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