
    The Painters at Myeongbo Art Hall


    The Painters at Myeongbo Art Hall

    Discover The Painters, a performance that dramatizes the process of art creation through amazing live drawing, sensuous urban dance, and the creative convergence of media art. The six painters you can't help but fall in love with after seeing them! 

    Tickets for The Painters
    🎫 VIP Seat - ₩70,000 → ₩56,000 (20% OFF)

    • VIP - General (20% discount)
    • VIP - Elementary, middle, and high school students (with student ID)
    • VIP - 65+ Seniors (with ID)
    • VIP - Pre-schoolers (with proof)
    • VIP - National Merit / Disabled (with merit card, welfare card) - Discount for up to 1 accompanying person
    • VIP - Repeat viewing discount (with reservation details or previous ticket) - Discount for up to 1 accompanying person

    🎫 R Seat - ₩50,000 → ₩40,000 (20% OFF)

    • R - General (20% discount)
    • R - Elementary, middle, and high school students (with student ID)
    • R - 65+ Seniors (with ID)
    • R - Pre-schoolers (with proof)
    • R - National Merit / Disabled (with merit card, welfare card) - Discount for up to 1 accompanying person
    • R - Repeat viewing discount (with reservation details or previous ticket) - Discount for up to 1 accompanying person

    👉 For the best experience, we strongly advise purchasing all tickets in a single transaction to ensure you can sit together. In the event that tickets are bought separately, there is a chance of being assigned seats apart from one another.

    ✨ A new conceptual art performance that combines thrilling live drawing and cutting-edge media art
    🎨 Light carving, action painting, dust drawing, speed drawing, luminous drawing, marbling art, masterpiece, etc.
    👨‍🎨 A newly upgraded The Painters Season 2 with an increased number of actors to 6

    General Info
    📅 Dates and times: select your dates/times directly in the ticket selector
    ⏳ Duration: approx. 70 minutes
    📍 Location: Myungbo Arthall 3F 47 Mareunnae-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
    👤 Age requirement: All ages are welcome. Children under 36 months of age are welcome with an adult, but will not be seated separately. Please be sure to bring proof of age (medical insurance card, passport, etc.).
    ❗ Show your Fever reservation to the ticket box and they'll issue you a ticket and confirm your seat. Seats are allocated in order of purchase, so the sooner you buy, the more central you'll be
    ♿ Accessibility: the venue is not wheelchair accessible
    ❓ Please consult the FAQs of this experience here

    The Painters dramatically shows the art creation process through stylish urban dance, exciting performances, and unexpected twists! Beyond fun and excitement, it is the only show in the world where audiences and actors create performances together while stimulating artistic senses and enjoying intellectual pleasure. The show has toured in 133 cities in 19 countries around the world, including Japan, Singapore, and China, and in Korea, The Painters has performed in a total of three theaters and met more than 6 million cumulative audiences from around the world since 2008. The newly upgraded The Painters Season 2 in 2022 provides a wealth of attractions by projecting vivid and colorful videos on a large set reminiscent of a media art exhibition. In addition, the new team, which consists of eight actors, crosses the stage back and forth, showing a harmony between dynamic live drawing and thrilling group dance. You can enjoy the new appearance of The Painters, which has been upgraded to a more thrilling show by adding the impression of various famous paintings. Get your tickets now!

    User reviews

    4.6 /5
    based on 72 reviews
    • Fun, skillful and a pleasure to watch. Such a innovative presentation. Loved it.
    • Amazing show . On time . Load of fun and talent
    • Super show, very talented guys, a must watch 👍🏻
    • 재밌었어요
    • A great experience with art, music, laughing and dance ☺️
    • Enjoyable and fun painting dancing comedy
    • Good time

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    About the venue

    명보아트홀 (Myungbo Art Hall)

    오랜 역사의 명보아트홀은 다양한 장르의 공연과 전시를 선보이는 문화 예술의 중심지로 고품질의 음향 시스템과 조명 시설을 갖추고 있어 관객들에게 최상의 공연 경험을 제공합니다.

    Getting there

    명보아트홀 (Myungbo Art Hall)

    서울 중구 마른내로47 (47 Mareunnae-ro, Jung-gu), 04549

      서울 중구 마른내로47 (47 Mareunnae-ro, Jung-gu), 04549

      Getting there

      명보아트홀 (Myungbo Art Hall)

      서울 중구 마른내로47 (47 Mareunnae-ro, Jung-gu), 04549

        서울 중구 마른내로47 (47 Mareunnae-ro, Jung-gu), 04549