Exclusivo Fever ¡Tickets volando!

Candlelight Yorba: Las Cuatro Estaciones de Vivaldi y más en la Biblioteca Nixon


Exclusivo Fever ¡Tickets volando!
Candlelight Yorba: Las Cuatro Estaciones de Vivaldi y más en la Biblioteca Nixon

Los conciertos Candlelight llevan la magia de una experiencia musical multisensorial en directo a lugares asombrosos como nunca antes se habían visto en el condado de Orange. Consigue ya tus entradas para descubrir la música de las Cuatro Estaciones de Vivaldi y mucho más en el Museo de la Biblioteca Richard Nixon & bajo el suave resplandor de la luz de las velas.

Información General
📍 Ubicación: Biblioteca Richard Nixon & Museo
📅 Fecha y hora: selecciona la fecha y hora que quieras directamente en el selector de boletos
⏳ Duración: 60 minutos (las puertas se abrirán 45 minutos antes de la hora de inicio y no se permite entrar tarde)
👤 Edad: experiencia para mayores de 8 años. Los menores de 16 años deben ir acompañados de un adulto
♿ Accesibilidad: este local cumple con la ADA
❓ Consulta las preguntas frecuentes de este evento aquí
🪑 Los asientos se asignarán según el orden de llegada dentro de cada zona
🎻 Consulta todos los conciertos Candlelight en el Condado de Orange
🕯️ Si quieres reservar un concierto privado (mínimo 40 personas), haz clic aquí

Programa tentativo

  • Selecciones de Las Cuatro Estaciones, Op. 8 - Antonio Vivaldi
  • On the Nature of Daylight – Max Richter
  • The Cuatro Estaciones Porteñas (The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires) – Astor Piazzolla
  • Primavera Porteña
  • Invierno Porteño
  • Passacaglia – G.F. Handel / J. Halvorsen
  • String Quartet in F Major, M.35: II. Assez vif – très rythmé – Maurice Ravel
  • Summertime – George Gershwin
  • A Hazy Shade of Winter – Simon & Garfunkel


  • 12 de abril: Cuarteto de cuerda - Conjunto de Rango
  • 31 de mayo: Cuarteto Orchid

Opiniones de usuarios

4.8 /5
basado en 709 opiniones
  • The performance, location and setting were amazing. I wish there had been an opportunity to purchase a recording of the performance. Overall, a very classy and tasteful event overshadowed by an individual holding a large tip bucket in our faces upon exiting the room. That could have been done in a more appropriate manner.
  • Loved it so much! The musical performance was first-rate and the atmosphere was dreamy.
  • Everything was amazing about this experience , the musical ensemble’s performance was fantastic .
  • Beautiful music and atmosphere! Absolutely would come again!
  • A very nice venue which allowed the musicians to showcase their talents wonderfully
  • Performers were fantastic. Very talented, professional, and entertaining. Venue was well done.
  • Just great. Way beyond our expectations. The musicians were wonderful
  • We loved the performance, the ambiance, the music. The only thing that would have made it better would be to have a simple program of the pieces played- even if the performers skipped some, or added some. Thanks for asking.
  • We really enjoyed the program and addition of other Four Seasons interpretations.
  • highly recommend, rage ensemble was fantastic. Maybe the chairs could be more comfortable, but the visually it was beautifull
  • sublime sounds! Candles and venue were beautiful. Just the right audience size too.
  • It was a beautiful splendid evening listening to great classical music in a romantic setting. I would highly recommend this experience.
  • Beautiful concert with amazing musicians. Very entertaining. Transformed to another place in the world made me emotional it was so beautiful
  • Will recommend to all of my friends
  • Wonderful evening of music.

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