Last chance

Chaos Lab: 儿童的创意体验


Last chance
Chaos Lab: 儿童的创意体验

⭐ 在墨尔本的 Chaos Lab 中,通过实践操作的体验,释放您孩子内在的创造力,令想象的乐趣与科学的魔力发生碰撞!

🚨 我们增加了学校放假期间的日期!🚨

墨尔本 Chaos Lab: 儿童的创意体验 门票
🎫 标准门票 - 包括体验入场券

  • 儿童(4-11 )
  • 陪同成人(12+)
  • 团体套票,仅限儿童(至少 15 张门票)

🎂 对于大型团体私人场次和全面包场,请访问我们的网站

🧪 认识一位狂热、疯狂的科学家,走进他们的混乱世界!
🎨 探索多个实践操作的房间,专为儿童设计,让他们尽情表达自己,犯一下傻,包括黏土、球池、镜子迷宫、霓虹涂鸦……以及更多惊喜!
👨‍🔬 了解每个房间涉及的科学知识
🐣 创造美好家庭回忆的完美体验

📅 日期和时间:直接在选票器中选择日期/时间
📍 地点:18 Wharf St, The District Docklands
👤 年龄要求:这一体验最适合较小的儿童,但欢迎所有年龄段的人士参加!12 岁以下的儿童必须由成年人陪同
♿ 无障碍设施:场馆可供轮椅通行
☕ 我们与 Daybreak Cafe 和 Shall We Coffee 合作,为Chaos Lab的访客提供九折优惠。Daybreak Cafe 位于 Shop 12/90 Waterfront Way, Docklands VIC 3008。相关条款请参阅常见问题。

事情即将变得有趣而富有创意!Chaos Lab 是一个理想的场所,让小朋友们在发挥创意中得到乐趣,同时发现游戏背后的科学真相。探索镜子迷宫、黏土工作站、霓虹涂鸦墙、球池以及其他许多惊喜。与狂热、疯狂的科学家及其实验室助手们会面,他们将引导您穿越不同的区域,进行玩耍、创作、学习,并略微弄脏一点。在这个以实验室为主题的游乐场里,您一定会玩得尽兴,并留下美好的家庭回忆!快来购票,体验墨尔本 Chaos Lab: 儿童的创意体验!



4.2 /5
  • So much fun!! My kids had a great time with all the stimulating, fun activities to do.
  • My kids had a blast and they loved the ball pit at the end
  • Ours boys (6 & 9) had a great time, rating their experience as 1 million out of 5.
  • All the staff were super friendly, engaging and worked so well with the little kids. The show was great and the perfect length to keep their attention.
  • It was an awesome experience for my little daughter ❤️ She loves the activities and enjoys fun facilities. Highly recommended
  • Fun experience for my 5 year old, he really enjoyed playing with the green slime and sponge foam and couldn’t get him out of the ball pit! Thankyou
  • Was a wonderful experience, so many fun activities which my son really loved
  • Fun activity for the kids. They loved the different activities and sensory experiences
  • A really fun and engaging experience. Perfect for a 5 year old who likes to run around and has an interest in how things work
  • My 3 and 5 year old Grand Children loved it. Staff at every station were wonderful
  • Amazing place for toddlers and older kids . We had a great time .
  • So much fun for both my kids (4 and 18 months), they loved the show at the start and really enjoyed how much they got to do. I think for the price, it was fantastic and the staff were so nice!! Would definitely recommend the 9am session for the younger ones!
  • This was really fun, even for us adults!
  • I can't rate the Chaos lab high enough. Such a wonderful immersive experience for our two boys.
  • Chaos lab was great the kids loved it


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The District Docklands

Level 1/116 Studio Lane, Docklands VIC, Australia, 3008

    Level 1/116 Studio Lane, Docklands VIC, Australia, 3008


    The District Docklands

    Level 1/116 Studio Lane, Docklands VIC, Australia, 3008

      Level 1/116 Studio Lane, Docklands VIC, Australia, 3008