Fever Exclusive

Candlelight: The four seasons of Vivaldi


Fever Exclusive
Candlelight: The four seasons of Vivaldi

Candlelight Concerts bring the magic of live music by candlelight to wondrous venues in Amsterdam. Buy your tickets now and experience the music of Vivaldi's The Four Seasons live at the Red Hat.

General info
📍 Location: Rode Hoed, Amsterdam
📅 Dates and times: select your dates/times directly in the ticket selector
⏳ Duration: 60 minutes. Doors open 40 minutes in advance and entry after the start is not allowed
👤 Age requirement: 8 years or older. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
♿ Accessibility: the hall is wheelchair accessible, except in Zones C and E (balconies)
❓ Frequently asked questions about this event can be found here
🪑 Seating is assigned on a first come first served basis in each zon
🕯️ If you would like to book a private concert, please click here (min 40+ people)
🎻 Check out all the Candlelight concerts in Amsterdam here
🎁 Buy a gift certificate for your friends and family here!

  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter
  • 01.02: String quartet - Agathe Ensemble
  • 29.03: String Quartet - performers to be announced soon!

User reviews

4.5 /5
based on 341 reviews
  • Quite a unique experience made magical by the amazing performance of the string quartet (quintuplet in this case)
  • Amazing experience. After mu first candlelight concert, I've never stopped to go. It's my firth one. The atmosphere, the violins, everything is perfect.
  • Very skilful quintet, great atmosphere, very nice to hear from the violinists what Vivaldi was imagining in each of the seasons.
  • Amazing musicians- my 8 year old enjoyed it as well as it is only an hour long
  • It was such an amazing experience! Four seasons of Vivaldi has become magical after today. Thank you so much for the performance and look forward to see you guys play the other master pieces next time.
  • Superb. Beautiful welcome, atmosphere and of course the performance. And I’m not even a classical lover. Love it❤️
  • Delightful experience!!! Voor herhaling vatbaar 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
  • Wonderful experience! Recommend and will repeat!
  • Great experience!
  • Everything was perfect. The musicians, the piece, the venue, all of it.
  • That was quite an experience! ❤️
  • The performance is magnificent.
  • Very well organized and enjoyable
  • It was wonderful and magical!
  • It was perfect evening

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About the venue

Rode Hoed

Achter de gevel van drie historische grachtenpanden aan de Keizersgracht ligt de oudste schuilkerk van Nederland, vergelijkbaar met een 17e-eeuwse speakeasy. De beroemde Oosterhuiszaal is een groots e...

Getting there

Rode Hoed

Keizersgracht 102, Amsterdam, 1015 CV

    Keizersgracht 102, Amsterdam, 1015 CV

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    Getting there

    Rode Hoed

    Keizersgracht 102, Amsterdam, 1015 CV

      Keizersgracht 102, Amsterdam, 1015 CV

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