Tickets 🎫 Standard Admission - includes entry to the experience & a self-guided tour of the exhibition
Adult (ages 13+)
Child (ages 5-12)
Group Bundle (20% off tickets for groups of 6 or more people)
🎫 VIP Admission - includes skip-the-line entry to the experience & a self-guided tour of the exhibition plus a cocktail
VIP Adult (ages 21+)
🌆 For Artopia After Dark tickets, click here! 🍸🖌️ Feel like a street artist for the day at Artopia's Sip n Spray
Highlights 🎨 Murals from some of the most talented local and nationally renowned street artists 👨🎨 Immerse yourself in this futuristic art experience with large scale light art installations, interactive projection mapping and sound reactive LEDs ✨ Self-guided tour with digital displays and perfect for our socially distant yet innovative world 🖼️ Enjoy the Artopia lounge with cocktails and gallery pieces at the end of the experience
General Info 📅 Date: from June 2022 🕒 Opening hours: - Thursdays & Fridays 4 p.m. – 9 p.m. (last entry) - Saturdays & Sundays 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. (last entry) ⏳ Duration: this experience lasts around 45 to 60 minutes 📍 Location: Artopia: The Immersive Art Experience - Phoenix 👤 Age requirement: all ages are welcome. VIP ticket holders must be 21 or over ❓ Please consult the FAQs of this experience here ✔️ Safety measures will be in place throughout the experience
Description Artopia, a future-forward immersive art exhibit, presents a remarkable combination of art and technology. Featuring large-scale light art installations, interactive projection mapping, sound-reactive LEDs, and murals from some of the most talented local and nationally renowned street artists. Journey through on a self-guided tour, grab a drink at The Artopia Lounge, and prepare to be amazed!
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function getAstroSession() {
const sessionValue = sessionStorage.getItem('fv_session');
let session = {};
if (sessionValue) {
try {
const { value } = JSON.parse(sessionValue);
session = value;
} catch (err) {
console.warn('Unable to recover previous session');
return session;
astroPageConfig = config;
astroSession = getAstroSession();
Oops! We love this experience, but no tickets are on sale at the moment
Oops! We love this experience, but no tickets are on sale at the moment
Artopia: The Immersive Art Experience
Would you like to get notified if tickets become available?
⭐ Artopia: The Immersive Art Experience allows guests to explore a unique and future-forward art exhibit. After its huge success in Chicago with more than 20,000 visitors, this experience is coming to Phoenix at last!
Tickets 🎫 Standard Admission - includes entry to the experience & a self-guided tour of the exhibition
Adult (ages 13+)
Child (ages 5-12)
Group Bundle (20% off tickets for groups of 6 or more people)
🎫 VIP Admission - includes skip-the-line entry to the experience & a self-guided tour of the exhibition plus a cocktail
VIP Adult (ages 21+)
🌆 For Artopia After Dark tickets, click here! 🍸🖌️ Feel like a street artist for the day at Artopia's Sip n Spray
Highlights 🎨 Murals from some of the most talented local and nationally renowned street artists 👨🎨 Immerse yourself in this futuristic art experience with large scale light art installations, interactive projection mapping and sound reactive LEDs ✨ Self-guided tour with digital displays and perfect for our socially distant yet innovative world 🖼️ Enjoy the Artopia lounge with cocktails and gallery pieces at the end of the experience
General Info 📅 Date: from June 2022 🕒 Opening hours: - Thursdays & Fridays 4 p.m. – 9 p.m. (last entry) - Saturdays & Sundays 1 p.m. – 9 p.m. (last entry) ⏳ Duration: this experience lasts around 45 to 60 minutes 📍 Location: Artopia: The Immersive Art Experience - Phoenix 👤 Age requirement: all ages are welcome. VIP ticket holders must be 21 or over ❓ Please consult the FAQs of this experience here ✔️ Safety measures will be in place throughout the experience
Description Artopia, a future-forward immersive art exhibit, presents a remarkable combination of art and technology. Featuring large-scale light art installations, interactive projection mapping, sound-reactive LEDs, and murals from some of the most talented local and nationally renowned street artists. Journey through on a self-guided tour, grab a drink at The Artopia Lounge, and prepare to be amazed!
User reviews
4.3 /5
based on 792 reviews
Jared L.
May 2022
Great experience! Very cool exhibit. Highly recommend checking it out!
Samantha F.
Jun 2022
Loved so many things about this! It was also great that the owner was walking around and demonstrating some of the installations, felt like a very personal experience!
Mindy B.
Jun 2022
We had an amazing time enjoying the incredible talent of these amazing local artists.
James T.
Jun 2022
My kids immensely enjoyed the experience!! There was inspiring work and activities in every corner.
Alyce N.
Jun 2022
Such an awesome art experience! It’s interactive, with all your sense! Definitely go, enjoy the experience and bring a friend to take tons of selfies!
Brittany A.
May 2022
Far better than I expected!! 10/10 and totally recommend
Sofia L.
Mar 2022
It was such a great experience! My mind was blown every time something new was shown.
Khristina G.
Jun 2022
What an amazing art experience definitely recommend to check it out
Christopher B.
May 2022
We had a blast. Great photo opportunities.
Francisco H.
Apr 2022
Great time and my daughter who is 11 loved it. Very cool.
Halle M.
May 2022
Such a great experience and so many cool things to see!
Tisinqua K.
Jun 2022
amazing experience. we loved every bit of it.
Kelly S.
Mar 2022
The art was amazing and love that local talent was showcased. I know it takes so much to put on an event like this so the opening day might not have been as smooth as they wanted, but I truly enjoyed it. The use of the app, parking, and directions was all great too!
Taylor L.
Jun 2022
Pam the hula hooper was the highlight of my night… straight goddess! Brett was super kind and enjoyable. Love this place <3