Halloween activities in Porto
Discover the spookiest events and the scariest Halloween experiences in Porto.
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We're sourcing new experiences. In the meantime, you can check out nearby events below.
Porto Highlights: Experiences to Remember
Auditório Francisco de Assis We call it Ballet: A Bela Adormecida, dança e espetáculo de luzes
New! 13 FebFrom €19.00Magic Moments Restaurante & Dance Club Porto Erotic Restaurant Christmas Dinners Porto and Lisbon
19 - 28 DecFrom €40.00Parque da Cidade do Porto Primavera Sound Porto 2025
12 - 15 JunFrom €140.00Igreja dos Clérigos Clérigos Concerts - "Spiritus Natalis"
28 DecFrom €23.00Rua das Taipasº 94 Fado at the Monastery of São Bento da Vitória - Porto
5.0(3)20 - 30 DecFrom €12.00Igreja dos Clérigos Spiritus by Ocubo at Igreja dos Clérigos
4.7(820)18 Dec - 12 JanFrom €10.00Alfândega do Porto Dali Cybernetics 2024 - Porto
4.5(164)18 Dec - 31 JanFrom €12.00Alfândega do Porto Porto Legends The Underground Experience: The legends of the city!
4.5(715)18 Dec - 31 JanFrom €11.50Alfândega do Porto Mysterious Egypt: audiovisual show by Ocubo
4.4(358)21 Dec - 26 JanFrom €11.50