Governors Island - Ferry

Gov­er­nors Island is a 172-acre island in the heart of New York Har­bor. Just min­utes from Low­er Man­hat­tan and the Brook­lyn water­front by fer­ry, the Island is a pop­u­lar and unique des­ti­na­tion with an award-win­ning park com­ple­ment­ed by dozens of his­toric build­ings, year-round edu­ca­tion­al and cul­tur­al facil­i­ties, a rich arts and cul­ture pro­gram and 22-acre Nation­al Mon­u­ment man­aged by the Nation­al Park Service.

Experiences in Governors Island - Ferry are coming soon.

Experiences in Governors Island - Ferry are coming soon.

Meanwhile, check out these nearby experiences.

Getting there

Governors Island - Ferry

10 South Street New York City, NY 10005, New York, 10005