Other Experiences in Monterrey
Step into a world of diverse experiences throughout our city. From unique events to unexpected encounters, discover a range of offerings that defy expectations. Let your curiosity lead the way as you explore the rich tapestry of our urban landscape.
This Weekend
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6 experiences
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Dining in the dark - Tarjeta Regalo
From MX$2,300.00Fever Gift Card - Monterrey
From MX$490.00Harth in Hilton Monterrey Dining in the Dark: Härth Hilton Monterrey
4.2(52)10 Jan - 21 MarFrom MX$1,148.00Jabalina Dining in the Dark: Blind Dinner at Jabalina
10 - 24 MarFrom MX$1,200.00Casa Vecchia Harry Potter: A Yule Ball Celebration
4.8(517)22 Dec - 05 JanFrom MX$660.00 From MX$490.00Panorama Neon Brush: A Glow-in-the-Dark Painting Experience
4.0(43)23 - 24 JanBUENFIN 20%From MX$640.00